CloudLinux provides high performance PHP module lsapi. It is a replacement for suphp available on cpanel servers. lsapi module is a based on LiteSpeed Technologies API for PHP.
To enable lsapi in CloudLinux Cpanel Server, go to
WHM > EasyApache 4
Provision profile
CloudLinux + All PHP Options + OpCache + mod_lsapi
Click “Provision” and wait until the software is updated.
Now you need to set lsapi as default PHP handler. To do this, go to
WHM > MultiPHP Manager
Click on “PHP Handlers”.
On Next page, you can set handler for each PHP versions.
You can set PHP handler to lsapi gloabally using following command
/usr/bin/switch_mod_lsapi --enable-global
Once you run it, all PHP version handlers will get chanegd to lsapi.
If you check PHP info, you will see Server API listed as LiteSpeed.
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