Docker Build

Build a docker container with Apache

docker build command is used to create a docker image from Dockerfile.

To create an image, first lets create a working directory and change to the directory.


mkdir ~/my-docker-image
cd ~/my-docker-image

Create a file with name Dockerfile

vi Dockerfile

Put following content in it

FROM ubuntu:18.04

RUN apt update && apt upgrade -y

CMD ["/bin/bash"]

Now build the docker image with

docker build -t my-ubuntu .

This will create a docker image with name “my-ubuntu”.

To run this, we need to create a container using this image, this can be done with command

docker run -ti my-ubuntu

Here i used -ti as we need to run interactively using terminal, this is because our the command we set to start is “/bin/bash” in the Dockerfile.


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