To install Docker on AlmaLinux 9, enable Docker repository
dnf config-manager --add-repo=
To install docker, run
dnf install docker-ce
To start docker on boot, run
systemctl enable docker
To start docker
systemctl start docker
To verify if docker is working, run
docker run hello-world
Install older version of docker
First, remove the current docker version with the command
dnf remove docker-ce -y
To list all available docker versions, run
dnf list docker-ce --showduplicates | sort -r
To install an older version of docker, specify the version and –nobest option, for example
dnf install docker-ce docker-ce-3:25.0.5-1.el9 --nobest
If you do a “dnf upgrade”, docker-ce package will get upgraded to the new version. To prevent this from happening, you need to use DNF versionlock plugin
Install DNF versionlock plugin with the command:
dnf install python3-dnf-plugins-extras-versionlock
Add docker-ce to versionlock
dnf versionlock add docker-ce
To view all packages that are versionlocked, run
dnf versionlock list
If you ever want to upgrade the package docker-ce, delete it from versionlock with the command
dnf versionlock delete docker-ce
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